In the recent episode of Larry King’s show, the renowned funnyman Katt Williams made an appearance, expressing his admiration for King’s influence and the impact of comedy on Hollywood and society. Williams, known for his sold-out comedy specials and film roles, including in movies like “Friday After Next” and “Norbit,” discussed his current stand-up tour, “The Great American Tour,” which he described as a reflection of America’s resilience in the face of challenges. He also shared insights into his comedic approach, particularly regarding the Trump administration, emphasizing the importance of addressing people’s genuine concerns regardless of political affiliation.
When asked about his career trajectory, Williams emphasized his unwavering commitment to stand-up comedy, considering it the cornerstone of his artistic expression. He reminisced about his first stand-up performance at a comedy competition in Florida, which he unexpectedly won at the age of 16, setting the stage for his future in comedy. Despite his success in films like “Father Figures,” where he plays a hitchhiker alongside stars like Ed Helms and Owen Wilson, Williams reiterated his dedication to comedy, stating that he finds joy in making people laugh.
In a lighthearted segment of the interview, Williams revealed some personal tidbits, including his childhood celebrity crush (Kim Fields) and a surprising secret talent: clairvoyance. He declined to trade places with anyone for a day, citing contentment with his own life. Regarding his weirdest job, Williams shared a touching anecdote about his volunteer work in Haiti, where he taught mothers about the life-saving benefits of adding salt to water to prevent infant mortality from diarrhea.