“Reacher,” an Amazon series based on the beloved Lee Child books, premiered at a drive-in screening Wednesday night at The Grove in Los Angeles.“I love…
Titans star Alan Ritchson reveals that he originally auditioned for a different superhero in the DC show before landing the role of Hawk.…
Alan Ritchson could well have been Marvel’s Thor instead of Chris Hemsworth if he had put in good effort while auditioning.SUMMARY Alan Ritchson…
The enigmatic case of Alan Ritchson’s net worth continues to baffle fans and industry insiders alike, as conflicting reports paint a perplexing picture…
“What the fuck made you so sad?” Bill Maher asks the brawny ‘Reacher’ star, who openly fields that too.Bill Maher welcomes actor Alan…
After 20 years in the business, Alan Ritchson is finally having his moment. The actor is perfectly suited to his starring role in…
The “Reacher” star also reveals he wasn’t cast as Finnick Odair in “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” because he was told he was…
The military musclehead is smashing his way back into our living rooms — and sooner than you might think…Reacher season 3 is coming, and…
Filming on the third installment of the Alan Ritchson-led series is currently underway.Image via Prime VideoTHE BIG PICTURE Reacher Season 3 will feature new…