In an exciting announcement, two beloved actresses, Mariska Hargitay and Kaitlin Doubleday, have been confirmed to join the talented Harry Connick Jr in an upcoming movie titled “Alone”. This romantic drama beautifully captures the journey of a woman named Jane as she strives to find love and happiness in the aftermath of heartbreak.

Mariska Hargitay, renowned for her iconic portrayal of a detective in the long-running crime drama “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit”, will be stepping into the lead role of Jane. With her remarkable talent and undeniable charisma, Hargitay is sure to bring depth and authenticity to this complex character.

Alongside her, Kaitlin Doubleday, known for her exceptional work on the popular TV show “Empire”, takes on the role of Jane’s supportive best friend, Sarah. 

Adding more excitement to the mix, Harry Connick Jr, who is not only an accomplished actor but also a producer, will portray the charming and charismatic Henry. This pivotal character enters Jane’s life, helping her heal from the pain of a broken heart. With Connick Jr’s undeniable charm and range, it is certain that he will bring this role to life in a remarkable way.

Under the skilled direction of Matthew Lopez, “Alone” promises to be a captivating and emotional exploration of love, loss, and resilience. The film is set to start filming in the upcoming months, and the anticipation is palpable. Both Hargitay and Doubleday have expressed their excitement to be a part of this project. Hargitay, particularly drawn to the strength and complexity of Jane’s character, is eager to embrace this new challenge. Similarly, Doubleday is thrilled to collaborate with such a talented and dedicated cast and crew.