Drama Unfolds: Cardi B, Sweetie, and Offset – What Really Happened at the Oscars Afterparty?

The glitz and glamour of the Oscars Afterparty were overshadowed by rumors and tension as Cardi B and Sweetie found themselves at the center of a heated altercation. Speculation about an alleged affair between Sweetie and Offset, Cardi B’s husband, has been circulating for some time, but the situation reached a boiling point at the star-studded event.

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Eyewitnesses reported a confrontation between Cardi B and Sweetie, with Cardi B reportedly confronting Sweetie about her rumored involvement with Offset. The altercation, described by some as “ghetto,” saw Cardi B yelling at Sweetie while the latter attempted to remain composed. Fortunately, the incident didn’t escalate beyond a verbal exchange, but it highlighted the ongoing tension between the two.

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The feud between Cardi B and Sweetie has its roots in rumors of Sweetie’s alleged affair with Offset, which emerged following Sweetie’s messy breakup with Quavo, Offset’s friend and fellow Migos bandmate. Quavo’s lyrics in a song hinted at the affair, leading many to speculate that Sweetie was the target. Despite this, neither Sweetie nor Offset has confirmed the alleged affair.

Cardi B addressed the rumors on the Jason Lee show, explaining her decision not to directly respond and stating her intention to find out the truth. However, the incident at the Oscars Afterparty suggests that tensions between Cardi B and Sweetie are still high.

The situation is further complicated by Cardi B’s past confrontations and public altercations, leading to questions about her behavior and professionalism in public settings. Some have even suggested that Cardi B should be blacklisted from events due to her alleged inability to avoid conflicts.

Ultimately, the exact details of the incident at the Oscars Afterparty remain unclear, and it’s up to individuals to form their opinions based on the available information. However, one thing is certain: the drama surrounding Cardi B, Sweetie, and Offset continues to captivate audiences and spark speculation.

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