Dan Patrick does not want to hear Deshaun Watson blaming the media for the continued bashing of his character as he believes the QB brought this upon himself.

While athletes are human beings as well and tend to make mistakes, they are at a greater disadvantage than the masses because their mistakes will not be forgotten and come back to bite them in the future. Deshaun Watson is the prime example of an athlete who got himself out of a rather messy situation after multiple women alleged that the quarterback of sexual misconduct during massages.

While he has put that incident behind him and is practicing in full swing for the Cleveland Browns, the narrative about him has changed forever. Watson continues to be reminded of his alleged crimes during press conferences or by fans on social media. The quarterback has been forced to limit the comments on his Instagram posts now as fans would otherwise bombard his posts with negative comments.

While Deshaun Watson may not have the most warmth for the media right now because of this, analyst Dan Patrick believes the QB has nobody to blame but himself over the situation he faces himself right now. “You can’t be blaming the media. Not for the coverage, what happened any of it…he has to just avoid these landmines. If you want to talk about it, ‘I’m changing, I need to change,” If you don’t want to admit there’s no culpability or whatever you want to say while avoiding some of these things, you don’t want to create a headline here.”

Dan Patrick believes Deshaun Watson cannot hate the media for doing its job

Deshaun Watson. (IMAGE: NY Times)

Deshaun Watson. (IMAGE: NY Times)
He goes on to state on the Dan Patrick Show, “Nobody wants to hear that Deshaun Watson, the media was out to get him. We want to see him play football…but when it comes to Deshaun Watson, you cannot play the blame game. You’re a creep, you got caught, you’re now in Cleveland, they overpaid for youthat’s their problem. Maybe you lead them to the promise land, maybe you win the divison. But that’s a team that is really difficult to root for.”

Dan concludes by stating the obvious, “You did all of this stuff. We just brought it to light.” While Watson may have gotten out of the legal turmoil that arose as a result of this situation and served a suspension awarded to him by the NFL, he may never really be able to put this mistake in the backseat.

No matter how much he does go on to achieve, and hopefully, he does thrive in Cleveland and show his true potential and talent as a QB, this one incident will always be a black mark on his legacy when he does walk away from the game.