300: 15 Quotes That Will Live On In Infamy

Zack Snyder’s stylish historic epic features some great battle scenes, but it’s the many 300 quotes that make Leonidas and his Spartans so memorable.

Custom image of Gerard Butler as Leonidas in 300


300 is a visually stunning movie that brings to life the epic Battle of Thermopylae and showcases the Spartans’ unyielding bravery and discipline.
The movie is not just about action and visuals, but also delivers memorable quotes that highlight the Spartan way of life and the excitement of battle.
Leonidas, the fearless leader of the Spartan warriors, embodies the strength of his people and shows unwavering love for his queen, even in the face of death.

The best 300 quotes are just as memorable as the epic battle sequences in Zack Snyder’s stylish historical action movie. The 2007 adaptation of the Frank Millar graphic novel of the same name recounts one of the greatest battles in history — the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BCE.

A force of 300 Spartan warriors led by the fearsome Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and some of their Greek allies positioned themselves in the narrow pass at Thermopylae and held back the armies of the Persian god-king Xerxes I (Rodrigo Santoro), with the invading Persian forces estimated anywhere between 200,00 and 2 million in number.

The movie is directed by Zack Snyder and beautifully adapts the stunning art of Frank Miller’s original graphic novel. 300 is a thrilling spectacle of glory in combat and stylish cinematography.

It is also a rousing underdog story and a thrilling look at the over-the-top yet compelling discipline of the Spartan army.

However, the movie doesn’t lose itself completely in its visuals, as 300 delivers many memorable quotes in the midst of the bloody mayhem with lines highlighting the Spartan way of life, the excitement of battle, and unblinking bravery in the face of overwhelming odds.

Starring Gerard Butler, 300 is the movie that made Zack Snyder famous. We share how this film, based on Frank Miller’s graphic novel, came to life.

15. “You See, Old Friend? I Brought More Soldiers Than You Did!”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

A battle scene in 300

The Spartan army differs from all others as it is made up of men who have dedicated their lives to battle and nothing else. When the Spartans’ only allies in the war, the Arcadians, show up, Daxos is disappointed Leonidas brought so few soldiers.

Leonidas asks several Arcadian soldiers their professions, with the likes of blacksmiths and sculptors in the group. When he asks the Spartans their profession, they respond with a battle cry — proving that Leonidas has more soldiers despite having the smaller army.

It is a humbling moment for the Arcadians but a great moment of Leonidas showing the confidence he has in his band of few yet experienced warriors.

14. “It’s Just An Eye. The Gods Saw Fit To Grace Me With A Spare.”

Dilios (David Wenham)

Dilios with an eyepatch in 300

While the Spartan warriors prove they are the more skilled and powerful warriors on the battlefield, they are not immune to injury. However, it takes a lot to bring them down or even to admit that they are hurt.

Leonidas also demands the most from his soldiers, and when he sees that Dilios is sporting an eyepatch, he questions him about the “scratch.” Proving himself a true Spartan, Dilios immediately brushes it off by suggesting losing an eye is no reason to worry. It is a darkly comedic moment showcasing the Spartan’s over-the-top commitment to being the toughest warriors in the ancient world.

13. “My Queen! My Wife. My Love​​​​​​​…”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

Gerard Butler as Leonidas as he faces death in 300

Not every 300 quote is about battle and death. Within the intense society they live in, Leonidas and his queen have to be careful not to show any kind of softness or vulnerability. Even when saying goodbye, their love for each other must go unsaid.

It makes for a surprisingly heartbreaking moment in the action-packed movie when Leonidas faces his death and his last words are not one of defiance to his enemy, but rather one last declaration to the woman he loves.

After being such a strong warrior for the entire movie, that persona wavers somewhat and Leonidas’ vulnerability shows as he thinks of her one last time.

12. “Persians, Come And Get Them.”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

Gerard Butler yelling with a sword in 300

As the Persian army is about to descend upon the small force of Spartans, one of the Persian commanders shouts the order for the Spartans to disarm. Leonidas responds by letting them know that it is not going to be that easy, punctuating his order with a javelin that impales the Persian officer.

The Roman historian and philosopher Plutarch actually recorded this real-life exchange. Supposedly, Xerxes himself actually gave the order for the Spartans to lay down their weapons (as opposed to one of his vassals). Leonidas responded (in ancient Doric Greek) “Molon labe,” a line of defiance still quoted to this day.

300 movie

300 follows the story of the Battle of Thermopylae where the Greeks fought the invading Persians against great odds, but it gets history all wrong.

11. “This Is Sparta”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

Leonidas yells This is Sparta in 300

Perhaps the most iconic quote from 300 comes early in the movie and confirms Leonidas is a ruler who will not kowtow to those who threaten his kingdom, regardless of the size of his enemy.

He is not afraid to show a barbaric side to the Persian messenger, who cannot believe the recklessness of Leonidas to threaten him.

However, the messenger referring to the slight as “madness” proves to be the wrong step to take, and Leonidas lets it be known that such madness is the way of life in Sparta. Gerard Butler’s epic delivery has made the quote a part of pop culture that has been parodied endlessly.

10. “Earth And Water? You’ll Find Plenty Of Both Down There.”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

This is Sparta 300

According to the ancient Greek chronicler Herodotus, when Persian emissaries traveled through Greece, they asked each city-state to offer “earth and water” as a sign of their submission to King Xerxes.

In response to this request, the Athenians flung the Persians down a gorge, while the Spartans hurled them into a well, suggesting that there would be plenty of earth and water at the bottom.

A highly stylized version of this well-tossing scene appears in 300 with Leonidas delivering this chilling threat. It cements Leonidas and his people as a civilization that will not bow or be threatened so easily.

9. “Come Back With Your Shield…Or On It.”

Queen Gorgo (Lena Heady)

Queen Gorgo looking angry in 300

Before playing the villainous Cersei on Game of Thrones, Lena Heady played the much more likable queen Gorgo in 300, who delivers this line to Leonidas as he leaves for battle. The meaning is straightforward enough. If a man fled from battle, he would drop his heavy shield to run faster.

As such, a man returning with his shield must therefore be victorious, while a dead man could be carried back on his shield. According to Plutarch, this 300 quote was actually spoken by numerous Spartan women as the men left for war at Thermopylae. Though it was the men who went off to fight on the battlefield, the women, like Queen Gorgo, continued to exemplify Sparta’s warrior mindset.

8. “Then We Will Fight In The Shade.”

Stelios (Michael Fassbender)

Spartans watching a hail of arrows coming towards them in 300

This is another real-life 300 quote, spoken by the Spartan warrior Dienekes. When he was told how Persian archers could quite literally blot out the sun with their arrows, he casually responded with the line about fighting in the shade — a real historical moment that led to one of the funniest 300 quotes, even given the grizzly context of an ancient battle.

Needless to say, Stelios died at Thermopylae, but thanks to reports of the battle that were later preserved by Herodotus, his words live on to the present. The line is spoken in the movie by Stelios, played by Michael Fassbender, once again showing how Spartans face death without fear.

7. “This Is Where We Hold Them. This Is Where We Fight. This Is Where They Die.”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

Spartan soldiers hold spears and shields in 300

The Spartans may have been the great warriors of Ancient Greece, but the reason that a force of 300 soldiers could hold off the entire Persian army was that they chose a tight narrow pass where they were protected on both sides by high cliffs, rendering the Persians’ superior numbers meaningless.

With these words, Leonidas rallies his men around a steadfast plan. They would hold Thermopylae — “the Hot Gates ”— marking the land where his men spill their enemies’ blood in one of the most epic battles of all time.

6. “Immortals. We Put Their Name To The Test.”

Dilios (David Wenham)

Immortal warriors in masks in 300

The Immortals were an elite unit of Persian warriors chosen from their nobility, and the real-life soldiers were much more impressive than the silver-masked ninjato-wielding demons with warped faces and pointy teeth seen in 300.

These spear-carrying heavy infantrymen formed a single unit 10,000 strong — a force so big that if any of them died, they would be immediately replaced by another, making them seem like an immortal army.

That is, at least, until they encountered the Spartans. Even the terrifying reputation of Persia’s greatest warriors doesn’t cause the Spartans to flinch, and they are more than happy to test how immortal they really are.

5. “Haven’t You Noticed? We’ve Been Sharing Our Culture With You All Morning.”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

Gerard Butler and the wall of bodies in 300.

Many of the best 300 quotes come fro Leonidas’s refusal to see Xerxes as an equal, let alone a god. The first of these memorable exchanges comes when the Persian king tries to win over Leonidas and his Spartans as allies, saying they had much to offer one another.

Leonidas walks among the dead Persians he and his men have just slain and points out that Sparta has already shared its culture, that of the sword. Xerxes certainly chose the wrong man to offer pampering and luxury to as Leonidas is a warrior to his core. Such grim joy in the face of widespread carnage shows why the Spartan warriors were so feared.

4. “You See, Slaughtering All Those Men Of Yours Has, Uh, Well It’s Left A Nasty Cramp In My Leg, So Kneeling Will Be Hard For Me.​​​​​​​”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

Leonidas with his group in 300

There is a sense that Leonidas accepted the chance to meet Xerxes with no intention of coming to an understanding, but rather for the opportunity to mock the so-called ‘god-king’ to his face. Leonidas patiently listens to Xerxes’ offer until the Persian ruler requests only that Leonidas kneel for him.

Leonidas feigns consideration before using the request to once again remind Xerxes of the slaughter the Spartans have delivered to the Persian forces, and that kneeling will be out of the question. It is an underrated comedic moment from Gerard Butler whose delivery is fantastic, but the incensed reaction from Xerxes really sells it.

3. “It Won’t Be Long Before They Fear My Spears More Than Your Whips.​​​​​​​”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

The Spartans pointing their spears in 300.

While Leonidas has fun teasing Xerxes about the battle, he also takes a moment to highlight the differences between their two armies. Xerxes has come over with a massive army with forces that dwarf the Spartans.

However, Leonidas points out that Xerxes has slaves fighting for him, whereas Leonidas has warriors. There is a brutality to the way of life for a Spartan, but Leonidas knows the difference between those who are fighting because it is their way of life and those who are fighting because they are being forced to.

2. “And Before This Battle Is Over, That Even A God King Can Bleed.”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)


Xerxes makes Leonidas an offer in 300. Xerxes 300 - Most Powerful Villains Xerxes 300 villain gold god Xerxes in a bath in 300 Rise of an Empire 300 sequel prequel rodrigo santoro xerxes

Xerxes offers to make Leonidas a warlord ruling over all of Greece and much of Europe if the Spartan King will submit to Xerxes’s divine will. Leonidas turns the god-king down while also delivering this fitting threat, which has lived on as one of the most memorable 300 quotes.

Though Xerxes depicts himself as a god, it does not impress Leonidas. He knows Xerxes is a man like any other, and his Spartans can make this ‘god’ bleed. Leonidas is aware he will likely die in the battle, but this promise reminds Xerxes that one drop of spilled blood will shatter all notions of his divinity.

1. “Spartans, Ready Your Breakfast And Eat Hardy, For Tonight We Dine In Hell!”

Leonidas (Gerard Butler)

King Leonidas screaming in 300.

This is a great simple line spoken by Leonidas in 300 as a way of letting his men — and the audience — know that the end has finally come. No matter how many men the Spartans killed, they would eventually join the dead.

But this was something to be celebrated, for it meant the Spartans would die a glorious death, which for many of them was all they desired in life. In Gerard Butler’s first major action role, his performance as Leonidas is intense throughout the film, but here he manages to convey a tired but resolute conviction of a ruler who knows he’s leading his people to their, and his own, end.

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