Alan Ritchson is developing a sequel to his show Blue Mountain State. The raunchy sports comedy series centered around the lives of three college freshmen football players navigating a college life filled with football, girls, classes, and shenanigans. Starring alongside Ritchson were Darin Brooks, Sam Jones III, and Page Kennedy. The original show ran for three seasons from 2010–11, garnering a dedicated fan base.

According to Deadline, negotiations are underway for the development of a sequel to Blue Mountain State. Ritchson is set to reprise his role in the show, with original series leads Darin Brooks and Chris Romano also expected to return, although the extent of their involvement remains undisclosed.

Why Now is the Right Time for a Blue Mountain State Sequel

In some ways, developing a sequel to Blue Mountain State in 2024 may seem like odd timing. When the series began, Ritchson, Brooks, and Romano were already in their late twenties to early thirties, slightly older than typical college students. However, now in their late thirties and forties, a sequel would necessitate a different setting.

Nevertheless, the timing might be opportune for a Blue Mountain State sequel, primarily due to Alan Ritchson’s increased prominence.

While Brooks and Romano are largely associated with the football show, Ritchson’s fame has soared since his time on Blue Mountain State. Notably, he stars in the lead role in the successful Prime Video series Reacher, and has ventured into various movie roles, including Ordinary Angels and The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.

So, despite the actors’ age, Ritchson’s rising star power could propel the Blue Mountain State sequel to success.

Moreover, the franchise already explored post-collegiate life in the 2016 follow-up film, Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland, providing a blueprint for the sequel to follow. With Ritchson leading the charge, fans can anticipate an exciting continuation of the Blue Mountain State saga.

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Alan Ritchson Developing Blue Mountain State Sequel: What Fans Can Expect 16

Will the original cast members return for the Blue Mountain State sequel?

While negotiations are ongoing, Alan Ritchson is set to reprise his role, with Darin Brooks and Chris Romano expected to return. However, the extent of their involvement has not been confirmed.

How does Alan Ritchson’s increased fame impact the potential success of the sequel?

Alan Ritchson’s growing prominence, particularly through his lead role in the successful series Reacher, could significantly contribute to the success of the Blue Mountain State sequel.

Has the franchise explored post-collegiate life before?

Yes, the 2016 follow-up film, Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland, depicted the characters moving beyond college, providing a potential direction for the sequel to explore.

What can fans expect from the Blue Mountain State sequel?

Fans can anticipate a continuation of the raunchy humor and antics that made the original series beloved, along with potential new adventures for the characters in a post-collegiate setting.

When can viewers expect to see the Blue Mountain State sequel?

As negotiations are still underway, a release date for the sequel has not been announced yet. Fans will have to stay tuned for further updates on the development of the show.