Gerard Butler Almost Quit Acting After This Unfortunate Incident

For Butler, complications started to arise following a motorcycle accident.

gerard butler interview screenshot

The year is 2021, Gerard Butler is in his 50s, yet, he’s still making the news for his hunky image, along with connections to beautiful women…

However, in-between, the star has struggled a bit.

In fact, acting wasn’t even on the agenda in the first place. Butler put his attention on law, however during his last year, he moved to California. He described the year as purely, out of control.

He got his law degree, however, the future actor wasn’t satisfied just yet. He made the jump to the world of entertainment, though, in his own admission, his reasoning was flawed at first, just wanting to become famous.

The roles weren’t coming and it wasn’t till he started doing theater work that the momentum in his career started to shift. Soon enough, he would explode and his major coming-out party took place ‘300‘. From then on, his career was launched into stardom with top-tier roles.

His work life was flourishing, however as he revealed in recent years, his personal life was a bit of a mess. Following a certain accident, Butler pondered about the future of his career. As if that wasn’t hard enough, he was going through some heartbreak as well.

We’ll take a look at those situations, along with his current schedule at the moment.

Acting Wasn’t On The Agenda

Butler knows a thing or two about the struggles along the way. Sure, he has a net worth to last him a lifetime these days at $40 million. However, money aside, Butler wasn’t sure about his true passion.

He studied law and obtained his degree, though ultimately, he didn’t have a burning desire for the field.

Nonetheless, in a weird way, Gerard admitted that the job actually helped him become a better actor.

“I feel a lot of my acting skills came when I was training as a lawyer because every day was a performance to me.”

“I was pretending to be a type of character in the office that really wasn’t myself, as if I was somebody of that ilk who was interested and curious and passionate. In truth, I wasn’t really. It had its moments, but so does a root canal,” Butler tells Jetset.

He started landing some major gigs in the early 2000s and then, of course, it all changed with his 2006 film ‘300.’ 

Although things were looking great on the big screen, behind the scenes, he thought of leaving the entertainment world behind for good.

Things Fell Apart Behind The Scenes

At the end of the day, health is everything. Sure, fame is great, however, feeling good and having every bit of your health is what’s most important.

For Butler, complications started to arise following a motorcycle accident. Things got very hard, so much so that he pondered continuing on with his career.

“I’ve had a bunch of stuff going on health-wise, that at one point made me reconsider my whole career,” he reveals.

“I had a surgery that went wrong, which then became seven surgeries. I had a motorcycle accident that almost killed me and I suddenly thought, ‘There has to be something more.’”

Butler would go on to admit that inspiring others is the main reason as to why he keeps acting alive in his life.

“I thought, ‘Am I only going to leave my movies behind?’ My movies are not for everybody, but the people who like them get moved and inspired by them will hopefully come out of watching them thinking, ‘I want to be like that guy,’ the way I did as a child growing up watching movies.”

“But at the same time, there comes a point where you go, ‘Is that it? Is there something more that’s part of my journey?”

During the pandemic, things continued to get hard, as he went through a tough breakup. it really wasn’t the easiest time.

Nonetheless, despite all the struggles, he still has a packed schedule these days.

He Still Has A Packed Schedule These Days

For those that are worried, don’t be! Butler isn’t going anywhere and in fact, his current resume is packed with work.

He just came off yet another film, ‘Greenland.

In addition, he has at least four projects that are currently in post-production territory, along with at least seven that are in the pre-production stages.

By the looks of it, he’s currently filming a TV series, ‘ARK: The Animated Series’. Doing some voice-over work is yet another great new chapter in his career.

Clearly, the star remains busier than ever and he isn’t going anywhere.

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