Would you really expect a more logical reason?

Nicolas Cage and His Wife

Throughout Nicolas Cage’s lengthy career, he has starred in so many blockbuster films that there is no doubt that he will go down in movie history.

On the other end of the spectrum, Cage also has starred in a long list of low-budget movies that could best be described as odd. While some of the small films that he has starred in were forgettable, Cage has headlined some delightfully strange low-budget movies.

Just like Nicolas Cage’s movie career, sometimes he seems like a typical movie star and then there are several stories about the actor that paint him as being delightfully eccentric. If you are looking for an example of Cage being weird in a truly hilarious way, Nicolas told a reporter that he realized his current wife was perfect for him after a bizarre realization.

Famous Wives

Since movie stars tend to spend most of their time with other celebrities, it makes sense that so many of them wind up being romantically linked to famous people.

For example, from 1995 until 2001, Cage and the highly talented actor Patricia Arquette were married. However, according to reports, the two actors actually went their separate ways after only nine months together even though it took years for them to legally split.

The year after Nicolas Cage and Patricia Arquette’s marriage came to an end, he married Lisa Marie Presley. Since it is well known that Cage is a huge Elvis fan, a lot of observers assumed that he married Lisa Marie partly due to his adoration for her father.

That said, it is entirely unfair for anyone to presume they know why Cage married Lisa Marie. No matter what his motivation was, Lisa Marie and Cage weren’t able to make things work as they filed for divorce after 107 days.

Longest and Shortest

After Nicolas Cage got married to a pair of celebrities, he seemingly decided that dating anonymous people was the way to go. After all, Cage’s third wife was a woman named Alice Kim that he met when she was a waitress and after dating for around two months, he popped the big question.

Even though Cage and Kim only briefly dated before they made big plans for their future, their marriage lasted a relatively long time. In fact, Cage’s marriage to Kim lasted roughly twelve years which is much longer than his other marriages. On top of that, Kim gave birth to Cage’s youngest child, a son named Kal-El.

After Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim got divorced in 2016, he would go on to marry a woman named Erika Koike in 2019. Unlike Cage’s longest-lasting marriage, Cage and Koike went their separate ways in record time since he filed for an annulment after only four days.

According to his lawyers, there were three reasons why Nicolas Cage’s marriage to Erika Koike was invalid. First off, the famed actor was too inebriated when he married Koike.

Secondly, Koike didn’t “disclose to [Cage] the full nature and extent of her relationship with another person”. Finally, Cage claimed that Koike deceived him by not revealing her criminal record. Ultimately, Cage’s annulment didn’t go through so he quickly moved to divorce her instead.

An Unusual Union

For most people, the year 2020 and the first half of 2021 have been pretty frustrating as they wait for the world to get back to normal. Of course, Nicolas Cage isn’t a typical person so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that his life moved forward in a huge way over that period of time.

During the first few months of 2020, Nicolas Cage and Riko Shibata were first caught on camera together. At the time, little was known about the couple but the world has learned about Cage and Shibata’s relationship since then. For example, it is known that the happy couple applied for a marriage license on Riko’s 26th birthday in January of this year, and in March 2021 Cage and Shibata tied the knot.

Given the fact that Nicolas Cage has been married five times, some people have assumed that he and Riko Shibata will get divorced in the relatively near future. However, when he spoke to Entertainment Tonight in July 2021, Cage had a strange reason to believe his marriage is going to last.

“We met in Japan and I thought she was stunning when I met her. We had a lot in common. She likes animals, too. So, I asked her, ‘Do you have any pets?’ And she said, ‘Yes, I have flying squirrels.’ She had two sugar gliders…I thought, ‘That’s it. This, this could work out.’”

Of course, it is common for couples to bond over a mutual love of animals. However, there aren’t too many people who can say that pet flying squirrels played a pivotal role in their decision to marry someone.