The actress said she never thought of her thumbs as ‘weird or embarrassing’ but just thought they were ‘kind of short.’

Megan Foxwas asked what she thinks of people’s obsession with her thumbs, and what she had to say about it was pretty on brand.

The 36-year-old actress recently sat down with Sports Illustrated Swimsuit reporters and during their conversation, Fox revealed that her smaller-than-usual thumbs–a variation of brachydactyly or a clubbed thumb–have a significant meaning in the practice of palm reading.

“I don’t know why people are so fascinated by my thumbs,” she said. “Like, I never thought that was a weird thing or an embarrassing thing. They’re just kind of short. Is it really that crazy?”

Fox continued, telling the SI Swim team that she believes she has other, weirder imperfections people could talk about but still can’t understand why fans would discuss her thumbs.

“I think I have tons of other flaws that are way more interesting than my thumbs,” she continued. “I don’t know why people focus on that. I don’t know.”

But don’t worry, the Jennifer’s Body star doesn’t let it get to her. She assured fans, “I’m not embarrassed.”

Instead, she’s embraced it, even revealing that there’s a name for it in some spiritual practices.

“It’s also known in palmistry as a ‘murderer’s thumb,'” Fox gleefully confessed. “Because they say the shorter this area from the knuckle to the tip of the finger is–especially the thumb–correlates to how short your temper is.”

It’s not too accurate in her case, though.

“It takes a lot to get me to lose my temper,” she said. “A lot.”

“I have crazy patience, but when you do push me over the edge, you’re on demon time, and you better run for your life,” she stressed. “It’s scary as F–k.”